Fort Scott Biz

4-H Horse

Jennifer Terrell, K-State Extension Agent


Love horses? Then this project is for you! You will have the opportunity to learn, handle, care for and ride horses. Members may own or lease a horse, but must manage the horse 75% of the time, whether owned or leased.

Horseless horse members do not own or lease a horse. 4-H members participate by learning about horses and can participate in judging contests, quiz bowl, hippology, and give presentations. Horseless horse members may volunteer to assist with horse shows and trail rides.

There is 4-H Curriculum that can be purchased for anyone interested in the horse project. Here is a breakdown of what youth can learn at different levels:

Things to Learn/Do in the Project

Age 7-9

Age 10-13

Age 14 and Older

Horseless Horse

In addition to the curriculum, youth are also offered the opportunity to attend project meetings held by volunteers. Each year, youth are able to demonstrate their hard work locally at the county fair and depending on age and placing, the Kansas State Fair. There are other local and state shows available to youth as well.

The horse project is a great opportunity for youth to learn important life skills. For more information about this project or the workshop, contact Jennifer K. Terrell, 4-H Youth Development for K-State Research and Extension – Southwind District at or 620-244-3826.

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