On the morning of September 26, the STEM Club at Fort Scott Community College held demonstrations to show other students what STEM Club is all about.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
There is an extra bonus for joining the club.
The STEM club offers a scholarship to pay for books and tuition up to 15 credit hours to all qualifying members.
The club demonstrations Wednesday included the shooting of a potato gun, the bursting of hydrogen-filled balloons, and even some hair-raising with electricity using a Van de Graaff Generator, provided by Elie Riachi, the FSCC Physics, and Physical Science Instructor.

Students joined in, during their passing periods, to watch the demonstration and enjoy a donut or two, donated by Fort Scott’s Price Chopper.
The current STEM Club members would like to be a part of more activities and competitions, but they do not currently have enough members to do so. The FSCC STEM Club is searching for eager students to join them.
This club creates an opportunity for students to learn more about these subject areas, while also having fun doing some interesting experiments and even some engineering.
For example, Trenton Allison, a STEM Club Member, built his own drone.
The STEM Club is sponsored by Robert Doyle, FSCC’s Chemistry Instructor.
Consider joining the STEM Club today and become a part of something that makes learning fun.
For more information, contact Mr. Doyle via email at robertd@fortscott.edu.