Fort Scott Biz

Want Enchiladas? YPL Fundraiser

YPL members making enchiladas in 2017. From left: Chris Petty, Jamie Armstrong, Bailey Lyons and Melissa Wise.

The Young Professional League annual fundraiser benefit for the Beacon is underway.

The Beacon is a non-profit religious organization that has food, clothing, and household goods that it distributes to the community, among other services.

YPL chooses to have a yearly fundraiser to help the Beacon.

“Many people in our community are generous with donating supplies, such as clothing and food to the Beacon,” Jessica Schenkel, president of YPL said. “However, cash donations are needed to purchase the supplies they may not receive or for other reasons.”

Enchiladas are the fundraiser food the group makes.

“We are selling a ready-to-bake pan of homemade enchiladas,” Schenkel said. ” We are offering beef, chicken or cheese, or a combination. There are a dozen enchiladas per pan. They will come with instructions and can be chilled in the fridge if they are being baked soon, or they can be frozen for later. We prepare the meat the evening before the pick-up date, and ensemble all the orders the morning of pick-up.”

The cost is $20 per dozen.

“People can order from any YPL member in person or they can order online,” Schenkel said.” We are accepting orders right now and our deadline to order is January 25.”

Here is the link for online orders:

Or to order by phone 785.817.8877, leave a voicemail if no answer.

This year the food will be cooked, assembled and picked-up at Fort Scott High School.

Pick-up will be at the Fort Scott High School cafeteria on Saturday, February 3  between 2 and 5  p.m., according to the website set up for the fundraiser. Enchiladas that are not picked up by 5 p.m. will be given to the Beacon Food Pantry or re-sold. The payment will be considered a donation to YPL.

“YPL used to host a soup feed fundraiser and worked with the local churches, ” she said. “However, we have moved to a different facility and the churches have been graciously donating funds to cover the necessary expenses to make the enchiladas. This way, every bit of our profits are donated to the Beacon.”

“YPL is an organization made of professionals who are adaptive advocates of a better community through progressive partnerships and networking,”  Schenkel said. ” “Most of our members enjoy the social aspect of meeting other young professionals throughout the community and utilize our meetings as a way of networking.”

Schenkel is president for 2018.

Laura Agee is vice president and secretary;  Tiffiny Durham is treasurer; board members are Amanda Bourassa, Devin Tally, Chris Petty,  and Holly Baker.

YPL  recently held its strategic planning meeting for 2018.

“We will be rolling out a few exciting changes for this year,” she said. “Stay tuned!”



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