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What Are You Doing for Easter? by Pastor Jimmy Tucker


The Bottom Line by Pastor Jimmy Tucker


Celebrating the resurrection of Christ will not be the same as last year. If you’re like me, you’ll be secluded in your home, holed up against the corona virus. The traditional Resurrection Sunday can be observed in a very individual way. You may watch a service online and try to keep the traditions, or you can let all the traditions go and worship the risen Savior individually as the Holy Spirit leads you.

A childhood Easter tradition is the egg hunt which has to do with Easter baskets, candy, chocolate bunny rabbits, and colored eggs. This tradition is great fun, but has little to do with the true message of the Resurrection of Jesus.

What is the true message of the resurrection that we remember this time of year? “Early on Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance” (John 20:1 NLT). Mary Magdalene was honored to be the first to see Jesus after His resurrection. It was announced to her, individually, and then Jesus Himself told her to go and tell the others. “Don’t cling to me,” Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God’” (John 20:17 NLT). 

This is the true message of the resurrection for all of us. Go, and tell others the good news of Jesus: His Father is your Father and His God is your God — that Jesus is here and alive! This is the story that has changed the world. The wonderful story of Jesus and His love is still changing hearts on an individual basis.

What makes the resurrection of Jesus meaningful to you? Is it the sunrise service or the breakfast that follows? Is it the squeals of delight as your toddler finds another plastic egg filled with candy? Is it the message from your pastor or singing in the church cantata that you’ve rehearsed for weeks? Maybe it’s none of these things. Maybe they all leave your heart dry and unchanged.

I suggest getting alone with your Bible and reading the beautiful story again, meditating on the eternal truth of Jesus’ resurrection and His love for you. Let it soften and change your heart. He will not disappoint you, but will meet you where you are.

The story of Jesus did not end with the crucifixion. Praise God! His story is still being written as He works in the lives of those who believe. He arose from the dead to give us hope for the resurrection unto eternal life. He wants the whole world to know about it. He wants to live in each of us and change us from the inside out.

Bottom line: Don’t let traditions take the place of the individual life-changing message of our risen Lord and Savior.

Pastor Jimmy Tucker

(620) 223-1483

Diamond Community Church

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