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The Practice of Self Compassion

Tara Soloman-Smith, Family and Wellness Agent, Sunflower District of Kansas State University’s Extension Office. Submitted photo.

The Practice of Self Compassion


We all have an inner critic that says negative things. Some think it pushes us, but it can harm us. Being kind to ourselves is important for our well-being, especially during times of stress and suffering.  Self-compassion, which is relating to ourselves with kindness, care, and understanding instead of self-judgment, can help.


Researcher, Dr. Kristin Neff, talks about self-compassion having three parts:

We are gentle and understanding with ourselves rather than harsh and critical.

Our shared imperfections and experiences of suffering are what unite us as humans, preventing feelings of isolation.

we hold our experience in balanced awareness, rather than ignoring our pain or exaggerating it.


The Great Good Science Center shares the benefits of practicing self-compassion:

For more information, contact Tara Solomon-Smith,, or call 620-244-3826.


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