Fort Scott Biz

Stuffing Everywhere by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

By Carolyn Tucker


Several years ago, when our son was in college and still living at home, he had a beautiful fawn Boxer. I grew up with dogs living outside, but we made an exception for Gus to live indoors because he was such a smart, lovable, and loyal companion. Aaron took responsibility for house training him and all was well — until the evening all three of us left Gus home alone. I guess he got terribly bored, emotionally strung out, or so lonesome he could cry. Anyway, after being gone, I was the first to enter the living room. Gus was just quietly sitting there, but he had eaten the couch and strewn the stuffing all over the floor. I don’t know exactly why he ate such a strange supper. Fortunately, that couch needed to be replaced anyway, so I thought the furniture casualty was extremely funny!


Let’s drop the “ing” from “stuffing” and just focus on “stuff.“ God is greater than stuff (hard times). A partial list of stuff that we might encounter could be: career disappointments, various losses (death, divorce, job) sickness, financial setbacks, family heartaches, etc. But be of good cheer because believers are not up a creek without a paddle. We have this wonderful promise, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1 NLT).


The devil will tell you that your situation is hopeless. But there’s not an iota of truth in that lie. Jesus was speaking to the crowd about the devil and said, “He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NLT).


Christ followers are to practice trusting God every day through thick and thin. Otherwise, we’ll live in worry, fear, anxiety, and doubt and that‘s a miserable way to survive. If we fail to trust God and His promises, we’re actually being prideful in thinking we can handle our stuff by ourselves. Having a deep-seated confidence in God proves that we believe He has the solution when we don’t. God says, “I will…make Trouble Valley a Door of Hope” (Hosea 2:15 GNT). God takes care of His children in a precarious world. We can move forward if we’ll trust Him to direct and help us.


When stuff (hard times and challenges) happens, don’t allow the devil to fill your mind with his garbage of anxiety. Make a stout decision to trust God to pull you through the knothole. You can be more than a survivor, you  can be an overcomer through Christ. He  has experienced every temptation we have and He will help us press through to victory.   He said He would never leave us alone and we can take that to the bank.


“To depend” means you can believe in, rely on, bank on, count on, lean on, and pin your  hopes on someone who‘s proven to be trustworthy. Written by Randy Phillips and recorded by Janet Paschal, “You Can Depend on Jesus” really brings this truth down where we live: “It’s fairly easy what you need to do, Invest your trust in One who’s tried and true; The Ageless Stone will stand alone when all the sifting sands of life have come and gone. You can depend on Jesus, you can depend on Him. As He was yesterday, tomorrow He’ll be the same. You can depend, you can depend on Him.”


The Key: When life’s cushion falls apart at the seams and stuffing is everywhere, you can depend on God to help clean up the mess.

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