Fort Scott Biz

Starlite FCE November 2022 minutes



The Starlite FCE held there November meeting at the Yeager building on the Bourbon County Fairgrounds.  President Glenda Miller called the meeting to order and Vice president Joyce Allen led the club in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect.  Eleven members were in attendance and reported that they had volunteered for sixty-six hours and had recycled 70 pounds.


Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Doris Ericson presented the treasurer’s report.


Old business consisted of a report that treats had been delivered to the VFW, American Legion and the assisted living facilities in honor of Veterans Day.  Goodie bags were also delivered to the Tri-Valley clients.  Glenda Miller announced that Betty Johnson had been selected as the Southeast Kansas representative for the Heart of FCE award for 2022 at the Parsons Fall Training.  It was also reported that three members had helped out with the poppy distribution and that Deb Lust had assisted in placing the Flag out for Veterans Day.


New Business for the month was planning the Christmas party.  Doris Ericson moved that everyone bring money to be donated to Preferred Living, Deb Lust seconded the motion, motion carried.  It was decided that the Christmas Potluck Dinner would be held on December 16th at 11:00.  Before the dinner the members will be putting together gift bags for the Tri-Valley clients, which will consist of socks, gloves, hot chocolate mixes, popcorn, mugs filled with Chex mix and candy.  We will also be having a white elephant exchange at the dinner.  Other new business was assigning the lessons for the coming year and picking hostesses.


Before the meeting the members folded two hundred Christmas messages and stuff envelops to be delivered to the VA hospital.


Letha Johnson moved the meeting be adjourned, Joyce Allen seconded the motion, meeting adjourned.  After the meeting the members enjoyed refreshments of vegetable pizza, cinnamon roll twists, nuts, chocolate, V8 and water provided by Claudia Wheeler and Letha Johnson.


Prepared by

Terri Williams


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