Fort Scott Biz

Scouts Jam On The Air

From left to right are: Dwight Moore, Alison Moore, Charlie Widder, and Cameron Lamb

Jamboree On The Air is an annual event to provide an opportunity for Scouts to get on the air and talk to other radio operators through ham radio.

Amateur radio operators are often called hams, though the origin of that term is open to debate.

Scout Pack 114 from Fort Scott participated on Saturday, October 17th, in the event.

Dwight Moore, KD0OIX, set-up a portable station at the fairgrounds in Fort Scott.

Several cub scouts and their parents came by to listen and four of the cub scouts made phone contacts with operators in New York and Pennsylvania.

Overall, they worked 23 stations from the fairgrounds, including one station in Germany.

If you are interested in joining scouting contact Cyndi Goebel, Cubmaster for Pack 114, 620-215-9733 or visit the Facebook page, BAS Scouts pack 114.

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