Fort Scott Biz

Scott Teenor: The Fixer

Scott Teenor, Briggs Automall Fort Scott’s new general manager.

Scott Teenor is the new general manager at Briggs Automall of Fort Scott, since February 1. Briggs is located at 1819 S. Main, on Hwy 69.

“I’m the guy who fixes things,” Teenor said.

Teenor has worked for Russ Briggs for 24 years he said.

“I’ve managed every one of his stores in Manhatten, Topeka and Lawrence,” Teenor said.

Briggs purchased Shepherd Auto about three years ago.

“Russ Briggs desire is to satisfy the customer,” Teenor said. “He is involved in so many different ways.”

Teenor has two simple rules, he said.

“Be on time and treat people the way you want to be treated.”

Teenor wants to refute a recent rumor he heard that is circulating.

“There seems to be a rumor we are closing,” he said. “We are not closing.”

“One thing that we have been doing is ‘right-sizing’ inventory and staff, for what the current market bears,” he said.

Currently, Briggs has 250 vehicles on the lot: Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Buick and Chevrolet.

“But we have access to inventory in all the other locations,” Teenor said. “So 2,000 additional new and used vehicles.”

Teenor can be reached at 620-223-0900 or his cell 785-344-3599.

He lives in Lawrence and commutes every day, he said.




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