Fort Scott Biz

Parents:  Help Your Kids Have a Healthy Relationship with Social Media

Tara Soloman-Smith, Family and Wellness Agent, Sunflower District of Kansas State University’s Extension Office. Submitted photo.


Social media brings both advantages and drawbacks, with particular concerns for young people. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy highlights in his Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health that children aged 10 to 19 are in a critical stage of brain development. During this time, their sense of identity and self-worth is still developing. They are also more emotionally sensitive, prone to peer pressure, and likely to engage in risky behaviors they might otherwise avoid.

More research is needed to see if social media is the direct cause of mental health issues but we shouldn’t ignore the correlations.  Parents can take practical action now to help protect our youth.

Today’s article was adapted with articles by the Greater Good Science Center and University of Minnesota Extension.  For more information contact Tara Solomon-Smith,, or call 620-244-3826.


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Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service




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