Fort Scott Biz

New Salon Opens at 19 S. National

Beauty salon owner Margo Davis, right,  gives a friend who dropped in, Mary Etta Williard, a tour of her new business on March 3.

Margo Davis took time out of a hair appointment to give a friend a tour of her new salon on the salon’s opening day, March 3.


Structure by Margo is at 19 S. National Avenue, where Bids and Dibs Consignment store was formerly located.


The tour included a look at the new salon area that will eventually allow five other beauticians space, a kitchenette, a dispensary,  a waxing room, hair washing stations, nail spa, bathroom and lots of storage space.

“I’m loving it, the new location,  and the renovation work,” Davis said.

Davis shows the dispensary of the salon.

The salon opened following a Kansas State Board of Cosmetology inspection on Feb. 26 and months of a renovation of the building.

The hours of the business are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The brand new business phone number, as of March 9,  is 620-644-5003.

Davis shows Willard the hair washing stations.

Davis received her cosmetology degree from Fort Scott Community College and taught in the cosmetology department for 26 years.

Following her desire to mentor new hairstylists,  Davis has a  2020 Fort Scott Community College Cosmetology student, Joy Page, coming when Page graduates.

Davis shows the waxing room where she removes facial and upper body hair. The reno work was done by Jim Jones, an electrician, and Josh Query, a contractor.

“They did an amazing job,” Davis said.

Margo Davis takes an appointment by phone at her new shop, Structure By Margo.
Davis, in a previous interview, said she received help starting her business from Bourbon County Economic Director Jody Hoenor who gave step-by-step guidance during the process of applying for an eCommunity loan.
She also received a  grant from Bourbon County Economic Development Council with The City of Fort Scott Economic Director Rachel Pruitt instrumental in attaining this grant, she said.
To view a prior story:

Structure by Margo Coming Soon

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