Fort Scott Biz

New Downtown Business: Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market

Rosemary Harris is the owner of the new business on Main Street. Submitted photo.

Rosemary Harris, 52, is the owner of a new downtown business at 18 N. Main, Suite A, Barbed Wire, and Roses Vintage Market.


Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market is located in the northern storefront of what used to be a part of Country Cupboard Store, a decades-long mainstay of downtown Fort Scott.
The store hours are currently Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


She began her business journey helping a friend that owned a store, then opened her own flea market on January 30, 2021, she said.


“We have a variety of items ranging from vintage to antique to customized and repurposed,” Harris said.   “Our vendors bring their own unique style to the store and each booth has its own special charm.”

“We have unique furniture pieces, vintage items, and collectibles.  We love to help you find items you are looking for in your collections.  We also will be looking to buy estates soon.”


“I started this business because I love seeing vintage and antique items find new life and purpose,” she said.   “I enjoy the stories and pictures people share of their collections and why they started collecting.   I’m so glad to be a part of the downtown business district.”

Rosemary Harris in her flea market on Main Street. Submitted photo.

Harris can be contacted at 620-224-7764 or find the business on Facebook.


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