Fort Scott Biz

Morale by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Regional Economic Development, Inc. Submitted photo.

This intangible, invisible characteristic can mean the difference between success and failure, profit or loss, winning or losing and growth or shrinkage. Community morale is so important, and while largely unseen, someone new or visiting a small town can sense it in the air. Do you believe in Bourbon County and the communities therein, or have you been burned and disappointed so many times that you are apathetic? How a critical mass of our citizens answer that question can make or break us.

This point was hammered home to me when I read a recent article in the Wall Street Journal about the war in Ukraine. The whole world is wondering why a country five times bigger, far better equipped, and with nuclear capabilities cannot rapidly subdue this upstart country, established in 1991. I believe the answer is morale. The article contained a video in which captured Russian soldiers were interviewed, saying they did not know they were going to invade Ukraine, did not know why they were fighting, and when they asked their commanders, they were told to “Shut up and move forward!” Imagine the drop in morale when bullets started flying and their friends were dying around them.

Contrast that with the rag-tag Ukrainian military, many of which recently enlisted and have no fighting skills. They are defending their homeland, and are inspired by their political leaders who are donning helmets and heading towards the front. The morale and resolve of these men and women are making a huge difference in the outcome.

During my seven years in Bourbon County, I have been impressed with the community spirit and morale of many fellow citizens, and inspired by their resolve. In particular, the business community is active and vibrant, with a surprising large number of new businesses opening in recent years. If you doubt it, attend a chamber event, such as the Thursday morning Chamber Coffee, and you will be amongst an active, motivated group who love where they live and what they are doing; they genuinely enjoy being around each other.

I know that we have many problems, some within our control, others outside our influence. Several national megatrends are working against us; however, this is our home and this is the only life with which we are gifted. I encourage you to be part of the solution, rather than cursing the mistakes of the past and challenges of the future. Purposeless negativity does not help. Do not let others limit you and what we can be together.

I ask you to invest in the morale of Bourbon County. Put on your big boy/girl pants, get out of your safe little world, help with solutions, and be the kick in the morale someone else needs. Don your helmet, and head to the front; we are all counting on you.

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