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Mom Always Liked You Best by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

By Carolyn Tucker




It’s only natural that everyone has favorites. My favorite dog breeds have a smashed nose and short hair; favorite candy is milk chocolate; favorite season is summer, etc. My favorite grade-school teacher was Mrs. Zula Oldham because she was Dad’s first cousin, so that made her special to me. I can’t say I was her favorite student because she was too wise for that; she treated everyone in her classroom the same. When I was a kid I watched The Smothers Brothers show (1967-69) and I still remember how Tommy would tell Dickey, “Mom always liked you best.“ A mother should never have a favorite child but, for this comedy act, Mrs. Smothers did and it made America laugh out loud.


I’ve had some very important teachers in my life. My parents were wise and loving teachers and now that they’re gone, I continue to live by their example. Mrs. Murray was an exceptional piano teacher and I’m still playing and using the knowledge that she taught me. My high school Driver’s Ed teacher was a very brave man and I still utilize the safety precautions that he taught.


We never outgrow our need for a teacher. No matter how old we are, we simply don’t know everything there is to know. Life is full of daily situations where we have to make a decision, so we need help in making the right choice. The last thing we want to do is choose poorly and suffer the consequences. Jesus knew all about this serious dilemma and took care of it before He returned to Heaven.


“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will be your teacher in all things and will put you in mind of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26 BBE). I appreciate knowing that I have a “Teacher Spirit” inside me 24-7. It’s like having my own built-in teacher/counselor/helper that’s 100% accurate, dependable, and based on God’s Word. It’s comforting to know that the Holy Spirit is available and on standby for every believer. We should never underestimate or take for granted the wisdom, power, and presence of the Holy Spirit in our life.


I like to study scripture verses from different translations and let the truth sink in deeply. The Passion Translation for John 14:26 reads: “But when the Father sends the Spirit of Holiness, the One like Me who sets you free, He will teach you all things in My name. And He will inspire you to remember every word that I’ve told you.” God has given His Spirit to help us in our faith walk, and to give us wisdom and understanding as we endeavor to live in His will. The Helper (Holy Spirit) wants us to have insight into the big decisions in our life as well as the small. A spirit of peace will be the green light concerning the right choice. Allow peace to rule as the umpire in our decisions.


With so many countless paths to follow, we need to rely on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to keep walking in the right direction of God’s will. Christ followers need to fine tune our hearts to hear the gentle Holy Spirit’s voice over all the others. There’s no limitations — the “Teacher Spirit” will teach us everything, whether big or small.


The Key: I’m still listening and learning, and my favorite Teacher is the Holy Spirit.

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