Fort Scott Biz

Make Your Voice Heard:Vote Aug. 7

Submitted By: Lindsay Madison, Executive Director, and Shirley Palmer
Phone: Lindsay (620) 223-3566 or Shirley (620) 223-4105
Email: lindsay.madison

People Are Urged To VOTE

Election Day is a few short days away on Tuesday, August 7th and the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce would like to make sure your voice is heard loud and clear – but only you can make that happen. Only you can cast your vote!

In order to help you, here are some quick answers to your possible questions.

Can I vote in the August 7th Primary if I am registered as unaffiliated/independent? Yes, but when you go to your polling place, you must declare a party by filling out a voter registration card at that location as either Republican or Democrat. After you vote, you can always go to the courthouse at a later time and change your registration back to unaffiliated/independent.

Where do I vote? To find your polling place, please check with your county clerk or visit

How do I know if I am able to vote in this election? Visit https://myvoteinfo.voteks/org/VoterView/ and look up your name.

May I still vote early? Yes. Voting early will end at noon on Monday, August 6th.

Where do I vote early in Bourbon County? At the Courthouse, 2nd floor by the County Clerk’s Office.

Why should I vote early? You can avoid crowds and long lines. It’s generally a quick and easy process. No need to worry about last-minute emergencies deterring you from getting to the polling place on August 7th. You don’t have to worry about maybe being bad weather on Tuesday, August 7th. Bragging rights. It feels good.

If you still have more questions. Your best resource for all election questions is your local election officer or County Clerk’s office. Give them a call and they will help!

In an election like this Primary, one vote really can make all the difference! A handful of votes could very well determine the course of our state for years to come.

The Primary Election in Kansas this year is expected to be the biggest turnout in the past 10 years. The high primary turnout prediction is also keyed by Advance Voting before Tuesday’s election day which is setting records each day.

Kansas has a very unique situation this year for a Primary Election. In many of the races, there are several good candidates for each office on both sides of the ticket (Republican and Democrat). Therefore, each vote is very important. Please exercise your “God-given Right” and Go Vote Tuesday, August 7th or before!

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