Fort Scott Biz

Library Offers Fun!

Mishken Milton enjoys the pool at a previous library pool party.

Submitted by Valetta Cannon Valetta Cannon, Fort Scott Public Library Youth Librarian & Assistant Director

Rock Painting Party and Hunt
Join Miss Val and local rock-painting experts, Susan Carrillo and Dani Norris, for rock painting in the library and hunting for them around the library grounds on July 23, either from 2:30 – 3:30 or from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. You may register online through the following link: or on paper at any library kids’ program. Refreshments will be served and the party is free to attend.
Harry Potter Teen Summer Reading Wrap-Up Party
Middle and high school students, join Miss Val and Susan Messer at the Fort Scott Public Library on Harry Potter’s birthday, July 31, from 4 – 6 p.m. for a party to wrap up the 2018 teen summer reading program. Games, activities, and snacks will be offered based on themes inspired by the Harry Potter franchise. This party is free to attend.
Summer Reading Wrap-Up Pool Party 
Summer reading attendees, read on to see whether you qualify to attend the wrap-up party at the Fort Scott Municipal Pool on August 7, from 7:15 – 9:15 p.m.
Attendees must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1) Attend at least four summer reading programs and meet reading goals for at least four weeks out of the summer (or have an immediate family member who meets this criterion).
2) Donate to (or be an immediate family member of someone who has donated to) the summer reading program.
3) Volunteer at (or be an immediate family member of someone who has volunteered at) a summer reading program.
Librarian Valetta Cannon submitted this article.
We will swim, snack, and enjoy one another’s company as we wrap up another great summer together. This party is compliments of the City of Fort Scott and the Fort Scott Municipal Pool, with food provided by donors and paid for in part by a grant from our local Wal-Mart, along with bottled water donated by our local G & W Cash Saver. Thank you to all who have helped to make this year’s summer reading program a success!
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