January 12, 2024
New Session new hope. Anything is possible. I have high hope for a successful session for Kansas. The Senate has passed exempting Social Security from state income tax several times in the past few years. It’s nice the Governor has seen how important this is to Kansans and has joined in support. There are many other items I have been leading an effort to pass into law. We lost most of the provisions last year because some people want their way or the “highway”, not what they claim is the middle of the road. Hopefully, others will join me in putting our constituents first.
Working with the House Tax Chairman and others, we will put together a tax plan to simplify the income tax code. It will be a sustainable tax cut for all and help those in need. Leadership provided a ‘vehicle’, a bill that allows Tax Conference Committee to meet and work on a tax package. It is unusual for conference this early in session, but it makes sense because Kansas legislators have recently debated and passed the policy being considered.
A Property Tax Freeze program for seniors in need and disabled veterans, named Homestead II, passed in 2022. Last year the legislature passed expansion of the program so more people would qualify. The Governor vetoed it and there wasn’t time for an override. I’m working with others to pass this legislation into law.
Property Taxable Valuation Limits on Increases passed the Senate last year in a Constitutional Amendment. We started at a 3% limit in SCR 1610. It fell one vote short, so we passed a 4% limit in SCR 1611. It requires 2/3 majority in both chambers to get it on the ballot for voters to decide. It passed with a super majority 28 to 11. Hopefully, the House and Senate will lower the limit and pass the SCR giving voters a chance to be heard on taxable valuation increases.
Transparency – bills, hearings, floor debate, and other information can be found at www.KSLegislature.org. I can be reached by email at Caryn.Tyson@Senate.KS.gov or phone 785.296.6838 during session.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.