Fort Scott Biz

I Don’t Get It by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker



Growing up, my parents gave me a lot of good general advice. At the time, I didn’t always understand the “why” behind some of their statements. For example, Mom told me, “It doesn’t turn out well to work with family.” Because I was so young at the time, I didn‘t get it. Now that I’m older and have witnessed a lot of life, I‘ve watched some families try to work in business together and it was a total fail. I’ve also seen a few families work successfully together. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, it appears that Mom was right. Another bit of advice I didn’t get as a kid was, “Don’t eat that, you’ll spoil your appetite!” I didn’t give a hoot about my appetite, I just wanted to eat that delicious piece of chocolate fudge.


It’s easy to focus on the aspects of our life that don’t make sense to us. At the close of  Jesus’ earthly life, he was talking in the Upper Room with His disciples (specifically Simon Peter): “Jesus answered him, ‘You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later‘” (John 13:7 TEV). Jesus knows we will experience disturbing  situations that we won’t understand. But I’m thankful that we’ll understand it by and by (either later on earth or in heaven). We can, and must, release our curiosity and lack of understanding into God’s capable hands. Leave it, let it go, and focus on living the good  life that Jesus died and arose to give us. We have to commit the things we don’t understand on purpose because it won’t happen automatically; it‘s simply not natural to us. But trust is the antidote for a troubled heart and weary spirit.


Paul said, “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely” (1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT). Like Paul, who didn’t perfectly understand everything, we can choose to trust God’s truth and believe in His promises. This will ultimately bring us peace  and inner rest of spirit. It’s comforting to know that we can have a personal relationship with the Master Creator who hung the stars and controls the tide. He is the Great Physician who holds us together. He is the Good Shepherd who loves and protects us. He is the Alpha and Omega who knows what we’re going to say and do from beginning to end. He is the Redeemer who sets us free from the chains of bondage and fear.


The original Hebrew for Genesis 17:1 states that God told Abraham, “I AM El Shaddai,” which literally means “the All-Sufficient One” or “the God who is more than enough.” God is more than any current or past circumstance that we don’t understand. I believe there will be life outcomes that won’t ever make sense while living on planet earth. But scripture tells us that we will eventually understand everything completely with perfect clarity. In the meantime, we can sufficiently live on the gift that Jesus left us:  “Peace is what I leave with you; it is My own peace that I give you. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid” (John 14:27 TEV). This wonderful peace cost Jesus everything, but it’s  free, real, and ever-present to believers.


When you don’t get it, remember you’re in good company.  Simon Peter didn’t get it, Paul didn’t get it, and many others. But when you’ve got the peace of King Jesus, you’ve got all the understanding you need for right now.


The Key: If you “don’t get it” now, you’ll “get it” later in heaven.

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