Fort Scott Biz

FSCC Minutes of March 21

Fort Scott Community College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Working Session
March 21, 2022

4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson

ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, Janet Fancher, Adam Borth, Tom Havron,
Julie Eichenberger, Kris Mengarelli, Ralph Beacham, Jordan Howard, Jason Simon, Chris Larsen


Mission/Vision Overview, Alysia Johnston, 1
Strategic Plan Report, Ralph Beacham, 18
Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT), Crawford Tech Ed Center, Kris Mengarelli, 38
Nursing Program/Collaboration with CHC of SEK, Jordan Howard, 46
Higher Ed Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF)/Deferred Maintenance Projects, Julie Eichenberger, 54
Housing/Greyhound Fitness Center/Foundation update, Tom Havron, 65
Bailey Hall Re-model/Migrant Programs, Janet Fancher, 71
New Programs, Adam Borth, 82
Vision & Mission Summary/Suggestions, Board of Trustees

Reviewed mission statement and core values. The greatest asset at FSCC is personnel.
We’ll come back in June for another working session for the Board to evaluate where all this
information fits with the mission and vision, along with budget.

Mission statement
Fort Scott Community College is an institution of higher learning with a long history of
culture and diversity that provides affordable academic, technical, and occupational
programs to meet student needs while fostering a mutually supportive relationship between
the college and its communities.
Core Values:

Personal success and growth: Empower students, community, and employees to
attain their goals by providing opportunities in a supportive, safe environment.
Integrity and Respect: A focus on communication, relationships and experiences
that value students, community, and employees; fostering a safe environment for
Diversity and Inclusion: Operate as one college in purpose, plans, priorities, and
Stewardship: The careful, transparent, and responsible management of all
resources under our care, including monetary, physical, and human resources.

FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a
central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective
processes; and developing the region’s workforce.

Reviewed capital improvement projects for 2021-2023 using COVID grant funding. Among other
qualifiers, anything done to spread students out or renovate HVAC systems qualified for use of
HEERF funds.
FSCC received $5,085,879, and $2,715,070 has been spent thus far. Projects include:

Robert Nelson commented that FSCC hasn’t had so many projects going on at the same time, and
it’s great that so many things are going. Alysia credited the staff involved handling the projects and
attributed the timelines of the projects to completion time frames required by the grants.
Shared Strategic Plan document. Ralph will follow up with more information regarding the
Strategic Plan.

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