Fort Scott Biz

FS Aglow Lighthouse Welcomes DeeAnna Currie on April 8

Fort Scott Aglow Lighthouse welcomes guest speaker, DeeAnna Currie, from Topeka, KS, Thursday, April 8th, 2021.
DeeAnna will bring a message of encouragement. She shares:
“I am so blessed and excited to come share with you at Fort Scott!
I have been involved in Aglow since 1979. I had two small children at home at the time and was drawn to every meeting I could attend and grow in Christ. The speakers would come and encourage us to be the best we could be by allowing God to lead us in our life. They came and shared the very character of God and His desire to bless us with becoming more like Him. I was driven without even truly recognizing my desire to fill the void in my life. I received true love from Him through this organization. The growth began with the connection of so many nonjudgmental men and women seeking the same thing, a closer walk with Him.”
Come as we share His purpose for you during these questionable times!
DeeAnna Currie
Area President North Kansas Aglow
Guests are welcome to visit our Lighthouse monthly gathering at 6:30 p.m., Thursday April 8th in the conference room of Fort Scott Inn, 101 State Street.
This is an interdenominational ministry opportunity for women, men and youth to worship, pray, fellowship and grow in unity. The goal of Aglow International is: Every nation touched, every heart changed.
Our Lighthouse desires the body of Christ to come together to meet the needs of those that cannot speak for themselves in Bourbon County.  For more information contact Amanda Gilmore at (620) 215-0418 or Bob Reazin at (620) 363-0257.
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