Fort Scott Biz

Fort Scott Community College Ranks Top Ten in the Nation

Fort Scott, KS Living in a community for a long number of years, can make it easy to take for granted some of the components that make a community great. Fort Scott Community College is something we should be proud of because it’s in our backyard, but also because it ranks highly in national standards compared to other community colleges.

Recently, FSCC was ranked among 700 other community colleges and landed in top ten. Historically speaking, FSCC is also the oldest community college in the state of Kansas. But just because you are the oldest, doesn’t simply earn you the right to place among the top 10 schools in the nation.

Three categories were taken into account when comparing the 700 schools. SmartAsset, who aggregated all the data, looked a primarily three categories in the comparison study. These areas where: low-cost education, good return on investment and high success rate (measured by graduation and transfer rate).

“For FSCC to rank the third in graduation rate among the top 10 community colleges in the nation, and to be listed among the top 10 community colleges in the nation with an overall score that takes into account high success rates, high return on investment and low cost of education, for this I would say a celebration and an acknowledgement of the faculty’s sincere and hard efforts is warranted,” said Elie Riachi, Faculty at FSCC.

To read the full story, you can click here. Certainly this is a high achievement and something the community of Fort Scott should be very proud to have a school of this caliber. Great job faculty and staff – keep up the good work!

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