Fort Scott Biz

Fort Scott Community College presents Spring Musical

Fort Scott, KS –

Fort Scott Community College presents Urinetown, the Musical. Not fond of the title? Neither is the show. Within the first five minutes, the dialogue addresses the glaring problem. On April 9-12, you will have a chance to see for yourself what all the drama is about.

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Producer, Sarah Mae Lamar and Student Director Carly Hyer are enthusiastic about the production. The show is a musical satire, making fun of corrupt government, capitalism and even musical theatre. Lamar says this show stands out from other FSCC performances because, “this show starts to speak to things much deeper than what we have touched on thus far, like: corruption, lies, loss, radical ideas, and all veiled in a “happy musical”. It is much more demanding on our actors for the simple fact, the music and choreography is more demanding than previous shows! It is also a challenge for them to connect to these very real characters with real issues, while keeping the intention light hearted and comedic! This show is much more intellectually challenging for actor, audience and production team!”

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Lamar is also excited about the numerous ‘larger’ roles this production has to offer. “The students get to dig into characters that have to wrestle with societal implications and complex character development.” There are many themes the audience will be able to relate to: love, loss, taxes, governmental power and capitalism.

Student Director, Carly Hyer comments, “One of my favorite things about directing this show is seeing the growth of the actors. The cast has been amazing to be handed such a challenging show and to commit so fully in a direction that they’re not comfortable with. To see them learn is why I go home happy each night.”

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Producer: Sarah Mae Lamar
Student Director: Carly Hyer
Student Choreographer: Natalie Pellow
Student Costumers: Amanda Longpine and Krista Hightower
Student Pianist: Janderon Harrison
Musical Director: Michael Dzbenski

Dates and Times:
April 9-12
Thursday through Saturday at 7:30
Friday at Noon (student show)
Sunday at 2pm
All tickets are $5


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