Fort Scott Biz

Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 Scuttlebutt

February 14. Post 25 Color Guard meets at 7 pm in Memorial Hall. All Post members including SAL members are invited to join our growing Color Guard.


February 16. District 2 oratorical contest at Post 153 in Olathe starts at 10 am. All Post 25 members are invited to attend and support our Post 25 oratorical competition winner.


February 19. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot at 615 am. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


February 23. A tentative meeting for the formation of a Post 25 American Legion Riders (ALR) Chapter will be held at Memorial Hall. A time has not been set as the Area Director still works and the meeting time will be set once he knows his schedule.


To join the ALR, you must be a current member of the Legion, Auxiliary or Sal at any Post and own a motorcycle. Past ALR members without motorcycles can be grandfathered in, provided they gave up riding due to heath issues. Contact Post Commander Jowers at if interested.


February26. Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle departs Pete’s Convenience Store, 1920 South Main Street, parking lot at 615 am. Vets needing a ride for a medical appointment must call 785-925-0261 to schedule a seat.


March 4. Post 25 meet and greet at 6:30 pm in Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy the fellowship of other Veterans. Bring an eligible Veteran to visit our Post.


March 4. Post 25 general membership meeting at 7 pm in Memorial Hall. Our membership meetings are open to all. SAL members are strongly encouraged to attend.


April 1. Post 25 meet and greet at 6:30 pm in Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy the fellowship of other Veterans. Bring an eligible Veteran to visit our Post.


April 1. Post 25 general membership meeting at 7 pm in Memorial Hall. Our membership meetings are open to all. SAL members are strongly encouraged to attend.


Remember to check out Post 25 on Facebook. It contains current information pertaining to Veterans and their families.

Post 25 Legionnaire Russell Vann has transferred to Post Everlasting. Russell was an Air Force Vet and a 20-year member of the American Legion.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.


I am proud to announce that once again Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25 leads the Department of Kansas in membership this week. Our 2019 goal was 51 members. Our current membership is at 135% and 69 members. We are 18 members over our goal. By way of comparison, Sterling Post 128 in District 7, is in 2nd place for membership at 115%. Thanks to all members who have made Fort Scott Post 25 a highly visible and active Legion Post in the Department of Kansas.


Post 25 received the “Special Certificate of Distinguished Service” at the Legion’s recent Midwinter Forum. The Special Certificate is awarded for “exceeding the Post’s previous year’s final membership by Veterans Day.” Post Commander Jowers’ received the “Post Commander Achievement Award” for “meeting the Post’s previous year’s final membership by Veterans Day.” Commander Jowers noted that without the Post’s membership stepping up and renewing their memberships or recruiting new members, neither award would have possible.


Post Service Officer Myra Jowers will no longer hold office hours on Tuesdays at Memorial Hall. She will meet with anyone, by appointment, who has questions about filing VA claims, who need a second set of eyes to review their claims or help understand VA documents they have received in the mail. Her service is free and is for anyone, Veteran or family member, who wish to file a claim or appeal a denied claim. She can be reached at or 620.215.1286 to schedule an appointment.


The District Oratorical competition at American Legion Post 153 in Olathe on February 16th at 10 am. Madison Toth, Post 25 Oratorical winner, will represent Post in the District competition. All Post members are encouraged to attend and support our candidate.


Fort Scott/Topeka VA Medical Center shuttle is now in operation. Currently, the shuttle is only operating on Tuesdays. As more drivers are cleared by the VA, additional days will be added to the schedule.


Any area Vet needing a ride for a medical appointment should call 785-925-0261 for more information or to reserve a seat. All Vets riding the shuttle must have medical appointments between 9 am and 1 pm and call by 5 pm Monday to schedule their ride.


Nominations for Post 25 Officers for the 2019 – 2020 Legion year will begin at our March meeting. Any Post 25 Legionnaire who is current on their dues can be nominated for any office. Please give thought to stepping up and being nominated for an office or encourage other members to step up and help guide Post 25’s growth for another year.


The American Legion Department of Kansas new member recruitment incentive is now in operation. Recruit a new member and both you and the new member will be entered into a drawing to win $500 each, plus your Post will also receive $500.  If you need recruiting brochures or membership applications, please contact me. I’ll will make arrangements to deliver them to you. A copy of the membership drive rules is attached.


The February State Adjutant’s Newsletter is attached.


Shuttle driver’s meeting at Memorial Hall on Monday, February 11 at 6 pm. The meeting is to review program guidelines and set the shuttle’s operating schedule. The meeting is also open to area residents who would like to learn more about the shuttle program. You do not have to be a Veteran to become a shuttle driver.


Legion merchandise can be ordered through Emblem Sales:  Contact me if ordering a Legion cap to insure your cap has the correct lettering.



Carl Jowers. Commander

Fort Scott American Legion Post 25

Telephone: 620.215.1688



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