Fort Scott Biz

Do You Stink? by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker


When I was a young girl, I thought the fragrance of ‘Evening in Paris‘ was absolutely lovely! Several years ago, I ordered the cobalt-blue bottle of this cologne from ebay just to remember the scent and enjoy the nostalgia. (However, it didn’t smell as good as I thought it did as a kid.) The sense of smell is a powerful instrument for bringing us pleasure or annoyance. I love the fragrance of an iris, but the scent of a skunk is a whole nother ballgame. I’ve been told by friends that my home has its own fragrance. I wasn’t aware of it because I’m used to it. But I know what they’re talking about, as I recall my piano teacher’s living room had the same certain smell every week.


Whether we realize it or not, Christ followers give off a pleasing or offensive scent everywhere we go. Like Pepe’ Le Pew, the “odor-able” French striped skunk, we may not realize we’re giving off a putrid odor that annoys people or causes them to run away from us. Pepe’ was used to his odor, and I think it’s possible that some believers can be so used to their harsh and overly-opinionated personality that they aren’t aware that they’re annoying and their persona stinks to high heaven. Apostle Paul admonishes us to, “Guard your speech. Forsake obscenities and worthless insults; these are nonsensical words that bring disgrace and are unnecessary” (Ephesians 5:4 TPT).


What’s your favorite fragrance? You can’t buy the following perfumes anywhere, but you can possess them in your heart and lavish them on people everyday: Compassion, Love, Hope, Encouragement, Kindness, Gentleness, Understanding, Patience, Goodness, and Empathy. These priceless fragrances display the character of Jesus Christ.


“Thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads in triumph [as a trophy of Christ’s victory] and through me spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere” (2 Corinthians 2:14 AMP). Through the yielded lives of believers, we are to spread the fragrance of God wherever we go. We should live every day as fragrant love spreaders. (There’s more than enough manure spreaders out there.) Just a few positive words of encouragement spoken over a discouraged individual can change his/her outlook and give hope.


“But this beautiful treasure is contained in us — cracked pots made of earth and clay — so that the transcendent character of this power will be clearly seen as coming from God and not us” (2 Corinthians 4:7 VOICE).  Believers must realize that anything good we do only comes from God’s power living in us. We owe it all to Jesus for making it possible to wear the fine fragrances of a renewed life in Him. Although we’re common/imperfect clay jars (created from dust/clay) we possess the fragrance of God in our heart. His sweet fragrance in us will naturally spill out on others as we practice loving on them.


Christ followers need to be aware of how we smell to others. What one person thinks smells good, another can think it stinks. I once worked with a very nice woman, but her cologne fragrance was horridly unpleasant to my nose. Obviously, she thought it was wonderful or she wouldn’t have chosen to wear it. But, to me, it smelled like toilet-bowl cleaner. We need to seriously reevaluate our spiritual fragrance choices to ensure that we’re a sweet and welcoming fragrance to others.


The Key: Don’t be like Pepe’ Le Pew and turn people off because you stink.

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