Fort Scott Biz

Country Place Living Provides Care in Assisted Living

Since their opening in January, Country Place Living continues to provide an assisted living place for individuals or couples that need assistance in day-to-day life.

Located on Horton Street, right next to the Country Place Memory Care living facility, Country Place Living has 26, 1-bedroom studio apartments, and currently houses seven individuals as the facility continues to grow and publicize its services in the community.

“We can provide high levels of care,” Director Amanda Downing said during Thursday’s Chamber Coffee event, adding some people conclude that they are able to provide only limited attention.

Downing said they can provide temporary care as well as help continue rehabilitation for those who need that attention after a procedure. Meals are prepared on-site and staff provides close care for residents, who can enjoy being outside on the porch or visiting with others in a community room.

“Most of our people, once they have come and toured and really seen the difference…it really sells itself,” Downing said.

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