Submitted by Cherri Cable Walrod – Community Liaison
Core Community is a program that aims to end poverty in Bourbon County, Kansas. Core Community is unique in its approach because it involves those who are currently experiencing poverty to be a part of finding a solution. At heart, it creates a safe place of unconditional love and non-judgment where relationships are formed with the participants, allowing Core to assist them with the tools and resources needed to move up and out of poverty for good. Within the safety of the community, all who come to the table are changed forever.
A community-wide effort occurred to raise funds so Core Community could begin without delay in Bourbon County. The Bourbon County Commissioners realized that Core Community is a good investment for economic growth for Bourbon County. They provided the initial investment of funds in June of 2023. Then the USD #234 School Board and the Fort Scott City Commission also invested financially towards the fundraising efforts. Several area churches, businesses, individuals, advisory board members, and civic groups all worked together, pooling their resources to generate the development funds to launch Core Community in Bourbon County in November 2023 officially.
Several Fort Scott churches have been involved in helping to launch the program, providing meals, volunteers, providing meeting space and financial donations. Bourbon County businesses, community leaders and individuals have also given their time and finances to launch the program.
Core community launched its first weekly class on Monday, November 13, 2023. Meetings are held every Monday at 5:30 PM at the United Methodist Church, Fort Scott. Each week Core Community provides a family style meal which is provided by local churches, small groups or civic groups.
At 6:15 PM, the adults head to class and the children are cared for in a fun, safe and loving environment run by Angie Trim.
The adult program participants are called “Core Leaders”. They are called Core Leaders because they are the most qualified to lead themselves out of poverty. Core Community Bourbon County currently has fifteen adult individuals participating in this first 20-week commitment class. They represent eleven individual households.
During Phase One, the class participants studied a curriculum book called, “Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By World” by the author, Philip E. DeVol for 20 weeks. Participants become investigators of their lives, and then learn new ways of thinking about their situation and how to change the trajectory of their lives. They begin to shift their mindset about poverty.
There are several ways in which the Core Community model is set apart from other programs that have been tried in Bourbon County. Core Community Bourbon County is a chapter affiliate of Youth Core Ministries. YCM is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit which provides leadership, guidance, and infrastructure for Core. YCM has implemented fifteen successful Core Community programs throughout rural Kansas counties and tracked the statistics for the program.
Y YCM estimates that 72 % of all participants have stabilized their lives. The process can take many years to overcome the grip and mindset of generational poverty. Core Community offers a full spectrum of wrap-around support for participants who are willing to work towards a better future.
Core Community program raises funds from within its county of operation for an annual operating budget. These funds stay in the county and help to cover operational expenses, including three part-time paid staff positions. It is necessary to have paid staff, not just volunteers, to achieve the best possible outcomes with the participants.
Much of the success of Core Community is due to the Community Coach. Janice Lamb is the Community Coach for Bourbon County. Janice is a “life coach” of sorts and has five to ten interactions a week with participants. Interactions range in scope from minor questions about the availability of resources to helping them with more complex issues. Janice has done many one-on-one visits with participants who seek to build personal confidence to overcome trauma so they can be more successful in the workforce. She helped a participant obtain a reliable and affordable vehicle from Bourbon County Cars so she did not miss work when hers was no longer drivable after an accident.
Core Community outperforms similar programs because of the longevity that the participants are in the program. Phase Two is for the graduates of the initial 20-week “Getting Ahead” class, or Phase One. In Phase Two, the participants continue to come to weekly Monday meetings. These participants decide what will help them overcome barriers that may be holding them back from rising above poverty. They know better than anyone else what they need next as they forge their way towards a better life. Phase Two participants are matched with a local middle-class community member, called a Core Friend. Other Core Community Programs throughout Kansas see Phase Two participants stay in the program for two to five years.
Core Community Bourbon County is scheduled to graduate its first class of Core Leaders (program participants) from Phase One in April 2024. These brave participants overcame fear, many obstacles and beat the odds to build a better life for themselves and their families.
“Core community has been nothing but an amazing program to be a part of. I was hesitant at first but was immediately greeted with nothing but kindness and love, it was an instant relief that I knew I was supposed to be there. It has brought my family closer together than we have ever been. Monday nights are our favorite night of the week. We can’t wait to see what changes our family can grow from not just class but building relationships with people we would have never met otherwise. Our family is forever grateful for everyone who helps out.” Brittany, Bourbon County Core Leader.
Another Core Leader in Bourbon County says, “I look forward to Core Community each week. I used to feel so alone and isolated in my life. Now I know that I am not alone. I now have hope and the support I need to help me get ahead.”
Core Community Bourbon County Advisory Board Members include Bill Michaud-Chairman, Jennifer Michaud, David Shepherd, Amy Harper, Carie Fess, Josh Jones, David Goodyear, David Gillen, Destry Brown, Rachel Carpenter, Jodi Davis, Shelby Reichard, Janice Lamb, Cherri Walrod, Angie Trim.
Cherri Cable Walrod is the Community Liaison for Core Community Bourbon County. If you are interested in learning more, Cherri is available to speak to individuals, groups, churches, civic organizations, etc. Cherri’s contact email is corebbco.cherri@gmail.com.
Core Community is about healing lives, solving poverty, and empowering communities for greatness through relationships. You are invited to join the movement to end poverty for all!