Fort Scott Biz

Commissioners discuss efficiency of operations at landfill, address 911 system flaws

At today’s County Commissioners’ meeting, commissioners revisited the issue of the landfill filling quickly from storm-related debris. Commissioner Allen Warren estimated the containers full of shingles and discarded roofing materials weigh about 10-12 tons. Warren said, “It’s a mountain–it’s an absolute mountain” in reference to the amount of discarded materials being unloaded each day at the landfill. However, there is room for the extra material on the west side of the landfill between the pit and the fence. Warren encouraged landfill employees to deposit shingles in an area that would not require employees to move piles of shingles with a bulldozer. According to Warren, it would be more efficient fuel-wise not to use the bulldozer to push shingles, which the bulldozer does not do efficiently.

Commissioners also listened as J. R. Stewart presented his concerns involving the 911 system and his address. He explained that fire crews have been misdirected by the system in the past when his barn caught fire, delaying them 20 minutes. Stewart proposed that a section of 235th street be renamed “235th Terrace” in order to eliminate the confusion in the system, and all three commissioners were in agreement.

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