Fort Scott Biz


The big top structure is set up by workers Thursday morning in preparation for the Carson and Barnes Circus this evening (May 18).

The Carson and Barnes Circus will show its last performance this evening, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds on South Horton.

Tickets at the door are $20 for adults and $12 for children under 12 years old.

The show is sponsored by The Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce

One llama watches his pen mate get a haircut, Thursday morning in preparation for the circus.
Trisa Bolden and her granddaughter Adrianna Garcia talk to the horse at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds Thursday morning.
Ashley Roozbahan holds daughter Lydia, while daughter Madelyn watches the elephants at the circus grounds Thursday morning. Also watching the elephants is Adrianna Garcia, held by her grandmother Trisa Bolden.
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