Fort Scott Biz

Chamber Coffee At Via Christi Aug. 22

Join us for Chamber Coffee
Hosted by:
Ascension Via Christi Fort Scott
401 Woodland Hills Blvd.
(In the McAuley Center)
Thursday, August 22, 2019  at 8:00 a.m.
Chamber members and guests are encouraged to attend for networking, community announcements, and to learn about the hosting business or organization.
Members may pay $1 to make an announcement about an upcoming event, special/sale/discount, or news of any kind.
Upcoming Coffees:
August 29 – Fort Scott Washateria (501 S. National)
September 5 – SEK Multi-County Health Dept. (524 S. Lowman)
September 12 – Stutesman’s Action Realty (New Location: 120 E. Wall St.)
September 19 – Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes (1 S. Main St.)
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