Fort Scott Biz

Buy and Eat-Meet and Greet May 3

Local gardeners and sellers of food will soon have a chance to meet and begin partnerships.
On  Thursday, May 3 there will be a ” Buy and Eat-Meet and Greet” event hosted byThe Healthy Bourbon County Action Team and Live Local BB.
It will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall, 1 East First.
The purpose of this meeting is to introduce buyers and sellers of food and start a directory to benefit both, according to Jody Hoener, chair of The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team.

Consumers, retailers, restaurants, businesses, and food service providers can have access to locally grown food, and also strengthen the communities local food system and economy, Hoener said.

The meeting is open to the public and is free.

Specifically, the following are listed by Hoener as people who might benefit from the “Buy and Eat-Meet and Greet,” Hoener said.

About the meet and greet  hosts:

The Healthy Bourbon County Action Team has a vision of a community where people feel safe, earn a living wage, find healthy food, have access to sidewalks, ride safe bike routes and have opportunities for recreation, among other opportunities.
Live Local BB is a group of locally owned businesses that want to bring awareness to the importance of buying locally in the community where we live.


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