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Boy Story by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker


When I was pregnant with our first child, my brother and his wife came for a nice visit. As they prepared to leave, Randy looked me straight in the eyes and said, “A baby will change your life.” I vaguely agreed with him, not truly understanding what he meant but certainly not disagreeing with him since he was the father of three. Like Mary, I pondered his statement in my heart and soon realized exactly what he meant. The birth of a baby rocks everything in your world.


When Jesus hit the stable on planet earth, His boy story rocked the world and turned it upside-down. The arrival of this Holy Boy of Joy was prophesied in the Old Testament. “All right then, the Lord Himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call Him Immanuel (which means God is with us)” (Isaiah 7:14 NLT). Jesus forever bridged the chasm between God and man.


As Joseph secretly considered breaking his engagement to Mary, an angel appeared to him in a dream and said, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:20-21 NLT). Because the people couldn’t save themselves, God provided the perfect Redeemer through His only Son Jesus. And the King of kings still rocks everyone’s world who personally receives Him as Savior.


As the shepherds guarded their sheep at night, an angel appeared and the Lord’s glory surrounded them. Think of it — the actual glory of God is what suddenly illuminated the countryside. “The angel reassured them, ‘Don’t be afraid!’ he said. ‘I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people‘” (Luke 2:10 NLT). Reverential fear was an appropriate reaction to witnessing the glory of God, but shouts of joy would have also  been appropriate because this was the best news man had ever heard!


The angel further announced, “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:11-12 NKJV). Born in most-humble circumstances, the Good Shepherd was found by lowly shepherds. What a strange beginning for the Holy Infant who was sent to save the world. But, we find that the Mighty God colored outside the lines. The Bread of Life taught truths and performed miracles that were outside the religious box. The Prince of Peace came to rock the world, set up the kingdom of God, and make a way for those in darkness to have great joy.


Jesus taught His disciples, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! (John 15:11 NLT). Joy is an important trademark for believers. The following scripture is one of many ways Christians celebrate the birth of the Christ child at Christmas: “And Nehemiah continued, ‘Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!’” (Nehemiah 8:10 NLT).


The Key: ’Tis the season to be full of the glory and unspeakable joy of the Lord.  

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