Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition Meeting Minutes,   April 5, 2023  

The Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition met Aug. 7 with Board President Billie Jo Drake leading the meeting.



  1. Welcome:  Billie Jo welcomed seventeen members representing twelve agencies.  She noted that the applications for the Family Swim Passes to the Fort Scott Aquatic Center were now available at Buck Run and The Beacon.   Applications must be completed and returned to Buck Run by April 28.  She also recognized Key Charitable Trust for their continued support of the Coalition Board’s projects.


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:


  1. Program: Carson Felt and members of the USD 234 Orchestra: Felt and ten students from the Fort Scott High School Orchestra entertained the members with various selections.  The May program will be presented by COPE, LHEAT, and SEK-CAP; they will be discussing a transportation program in Bourbon County.  Dawn Cubbison will explain KanCare/Medicaid for our June program.


  1. Open Forum: Nothing further came before the membership.


  1. Adjournment:  Next General Membership meeting will be May 3, at 1:00 p.m.
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