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Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition General Membership Meeting Minutes  

Billie Jo Drake opens the Bourbon County Inter Agency Coalition monthly meeting.

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes


December 6, 2023



  1. Welcome:  Billie Jo welcomed twenty members representing thirteen agencies.  She informed the members that the board had approved an expenditure for bicycles for the “Adopt-a-Child” program at Beacon.


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:


  1. Program:  CHC: Tobacco Cessation presented by Brenda, Stokes Lisa Wells, and Jennelle Knight


Tobacco usage for Bourbon County residents over eighteen years of age is much higher than the state average.  CHC offers individual and group programs to help participants free themselves from tobacco use and has recently been able to pilot these cessation classes in Bourbon County.  Jennelle is now able to train tobacco treatment specialists; all participants in her first class were Bourbon County residents.  CHC will soon be implementing a program, including the dangers of vaping, to work with students in the schools.  Their grant also allows CHC to work with employers to help them provide tobacco free work spaces. Currently, the programs have no fees if the participant’s insurance does not pay.  Often participants need to repeat the class in order to become completely tobacco free.  CHC patients are able to get low-cost or free medications to help the process so cost should not be a negative factor for the participants.


  1. Open Forum:


  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be January 3, 2024.


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