Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Community Theatre Announces Play Auditions


The newly formed Bourbon County Community Theatre is holding auditions for the first show of the season.


Auditions for Holy Mother of Bingo! by Patrick Walsh are from 7-8:30 p.m., June 17 or 18 in the Ellis Performing Arts Center at Fort Scott Community College. Auditions for the interactive comedy murder mystery show are open to adults and teens and no preparation is necessary.


Pioneer Drama describes the show this way, “An innocent bingo fundraiser at the Our Mother of Mercy church goes awry when parishioners mysteriously drop dead!  The evidence suggests well-calculated murders, but who is to blame?  Tensions rise as everyone begins identifying suspects.  Past feuds rear their heads as the members of the parish try to state their innocence one by one.  Who could be behind the elaborate spree?  The disgruntled choir director?  The magician turned youth minister?  The ex-convict that has recently turned to the power of prayer?  It couldn’t be one of the Cookie Cadets selling their beloved cookies!  Everyone’s a suspect…  even the audience in the zany comedy that takes interactive theatre to a whole new level!”


Performances of the show are Aug. 2 and 3 and rehearsals are approximately Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 6:30-9 p.m.


More information can be found on the Bourbon County Community Theatre Facebook page or by contacting the Director, Angie Bin, at 620-719-9622 or at


BBCO Community Theatre, LLC is a non-profit community organization formed last year whose mission is to bring education, community, and culture to southeast KS through threatre.


Anyone who would like to join the community theatre or assist with the technical aspects of the play can fill out an interest form on the Facebook page or at this link:


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