Fort Scott Biz

Bo Co Coalition Minutes of March 6

Billie Jo Drake opens the Bourbon County Inter Agency Coalition monthly meeting.

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes


March 6, 2024



  1. Welcome:  Eighteen members representing fourteen agencies attended.  Billie Jo announced that swim pass applications would be available during the month of April at The Beacon and Buck Run Community Center.


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:


  1. Program:  Teri Hamilton, President, Fort Scott Farmers’ Market, presented our program.


It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.


The Farmer’s Market will be in the new community pavilion beginning this year; the pavilion was funded with a T-Mobile grant and other donations.  Anyone can reserve the pavilion through the Fort Scott City offices.  Farmers’ Market operates from the first week in May through the last week in October on Saturdays and Tuesdays.


This year the Farmers’ Market will be accepting SNAP benefits in support of local nutrition.  SNAP dollars will only be able to be used for food and food related items.  Through a grant, a person will be hired to manage the snap booth during the hours of the Farmers’ Market.


Venders can set up a booth for $5.00 each week.  Potential venders need to contact Teri in order to be approved to have a booth.  There are also fundraising opportunities through the Farmers’ Market organization.  There are twenty-four planned booth spaces under the pavilion now, but that can be expanded to thirty-six if the need arises.  There are many special events that will be scheduled in conjunction with the Farmers’ Market such as Breakfast on the Bricks, the Children’s Business Fair, K-State Research projects/programs, The National Historic Site, etc.


  1. Open Forum:  Billie Jo reminded members that LIEAP applications will close at the end of the month.


  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be April 3, 2024.


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