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Beauty Secrets For Aging by Carolyn Tucker

My friend Vivian and I were visiting recently about the topic of aging. Some women  look 15 years older than they are, but some look 15 years younger than their age. Vivian and I shared our thoughts about what we will look like in heaven. We both agreed that we’ll look about 30, which is the prime of life. When I was 30, I felt like I had a tiger by the tail. I could efficiently multi-task, do things quickly, walk and chew gum, and rarely felt dumb. I had lots of energy and laughed a lot. Now that I’m older, some physical things have changed but I’m thankful I can still laugh easily.


When believers are in the last third of our lives, we can still continue to be living testimonies to the faithfulness of God. There are two New Testament Christians that are marvelous examples of how to age fruitfully. The stellar lives of Simeon and Anna inspire me to keep serving God and loving people as long as I have breath.


Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to Jerusalem to dedicate him to the Lord. As they walked into the temple, Simeon (an elderly man) was there waiting. He loved God, was righteous and devout, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. The Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die before he saw the Messiah with his own eyes. For this very reason the Holy Spirit had impressed upon Simeon to go to the temple on this precise day and hour when Jesus’ parents brought Him to the temple.


Simeon nestled the Babe in his arms and praised God saying, “Lord and Master, I am Your loving servant, and now I can die content for Your promise to me has been fulfilled. With my own eyes I have seen Your Word, the Savior You sent into the world. He will be glory for Your people Israel, and the Revelation Light for all people everywhere“ (Luke 2:29-31 TPT.) Simeon was at the right place at the right time because He listened to God.


Anna was an 84-year-old prophetess from the Tribe of Asher. She’d been married only seven years when her husband died. After that, she worshipped God in the temple continually, serving Him with night-and-day prayer and fasting. “She [Anna] came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38 NLT.) When Anna laid her eyes on Jesus, she experienced the very presence of God. Although she had known sorrow, she was full of joy. Although she was no longer in the prime of her life, she had maintained contentment and hope.  Although she had some limitations, she never stopped worshipping God and using her prophetic gift. Although she had experienced disappointments, she never stopped believing and praying. Although she was no longer youthful, she remained useful.


When I’m around an older woman with a laughing smile and twinkling eyes, that’s all I see. I’m truly blind to any of her aging facial features. Her beautiful smile is a better cover-up than anti-wrinkle cream. Several years ago, my cousin Vicky and I were talking about getting older. She said that she planned to simply grow old gracefully. I loved her plan and I embraced her sensible philosophy as my own. I want to grow old lovingly. I want to be sweet and not cynical. I want to enjoy life, laugh at myself, and remain useful for God.


The Key:  Let’s be content to have a loving heart and use “Big Grin Beauty Cream.”

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