Fort Scott Biz

Anyone Want To Be A Leader? by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche. 2023.
Author: A Little Faith Lift…Finding Joy Beyond Rejection
AWSA (Advanced Writers & Speakers Assoc.)

Caitlin Clark became a household name last year when she set records in the Division 1, college women’s basketball league.  As a player for the University of Iowa, she is the first female to have consecutive 1000-point seasons, setting multiple records with that college.  When she left the university to join the Indiana Fever of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), the media-hype followed. As she became the face of the WNBA by appearing in commercials with Nike, Gatorade and State Farm Insurance, she also was disparaged for getting all the attention other female players never had received.  Who did this young up-start think she was?

Caitlin refused to speak negatively against other players when they publicly criticized her.  Soon, they realized that she, single-handedly, was filling arenas wherever she played, and their popularity was soaring because of her skills. Rookie players now were being given a chance to play, whereas in the past they were buried on the bench.

The basketball phenom attended Dowling Catholic High School in Iowa.  Her former coach, Kristen Meyer, spoke about her former player and how important the faith component was for her to attend that school.  “She knows her gifts are a gift from God.”

According to “Tales From the NBA,” Clark has been recognized as the “girl counterpart to Stephen Curry.”  Dave and I now pay to watch her games on television.  The other night, the announcer said this about Clark: “She makes other people look better with her assists.”  Caitlyn still scores points, although not like she did at the collegiate level. Now, she sets records for the times she finds another player on the court and passes the ball to her so her teammate can score, sometimes even when she could take a shot herself.

Caitlin is a leader, and let’s face it.  Effective leaders are in short supply.  Today, employers speak about the difficulty of finding/developing a good leader, and they are frustrated because of it. From baseball to a manufacturing plant to a marketing expert, those in management have shared with me that they “can’t find anyone qualified.”

These employers think they see potential in a worker and attempt to elevate him/her to a leadership position, only to find that those people lack the skills necessary.  They cannot hold anyone accountable, fail to see needs as they arise, and set no example of dedication and hard work.  These employees could learn from Caitlin who sets an example of one willing to elevate her teammates by helping them do better.

Our best role model for this is Jesus Christ who came to serve and to set an example for us to do likewise.  In Mark 10: 43-45, we read Jesus’ words: “…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”      

He, God in human flesh, the night before he was crucified, washed the feet of his disciples, an act of humility and selflessness, and one typically performed by slaves for their masters.  He made his disciples better men by setting an example for them.  There’s no better way for a true leader to lead.  Caitlin Clark is proving that true.  As Christians, we need to do likewise.

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