Saturday’s Motorcycle Basic Skills Class has been postponed.
Boys State, Cadet Law and the American Legion College have all been cancelled for this year.
Our Post 25 general membership meeting for Monday, April 6 is cancelled.
The American Legion is pushing “Buddy Check” during this Corona Virus outbreak. Several Post Officers are reaching out to our members who do not use email and are checking on them.
If you are aware of a neighbor in need, let me know. I’ll see how the Fort Scott American Legion can assist them.
Two Positive Notes:
Post 25 welcomes Richard Marshall, WW2 Veteran, as new Post 25 member. With Legionnaire Marshall joining our Post, Post 25 now has 100 members. A milestone by any standard.
Legionnaires and Riders Chapter 25 members Darrell Spencer, Jake Campbell, Myra Jowers and Carl Jowers participated today in an American Legion Riders escort for a deceased Veteran from Mound City to Bronson. Paola American Legion Riders Chapter 153 was the host Riders Chapter for the escort.
Stay safe.
Carl Jowers. Post 25 Commander