Fort Scott Biz

American Legion Donates Service to Salvation Army

A Salvation Army Bell-Ringer in 2020.

Many thanks to the American Legion family members who stepped up and “Ring The Bells” for the Salvation Army on December 18 and 19. This is what the American Legion is all about: community service. 100% of all donations will stay in Bourbon County.


Also, thanks to the many Fort Scott Walmart shoppers who took a moment and donated to this fundraiser. When I turned in the kettle at 5 pm, it was definitely full, and the volunteers had to keep pushing the donations into the kettle to make room for other donations.


These are the Post 25 members who braved the Kansas wind and cold weather to give back to the community: Ken Armenta, Ron Beltz, Steve Dean, Michel Lyon, Marvin Taylor, Garyl Coleman, Darrell Spencer, Jeannie Hart, Karen Hansen, Shirly Wilmon, Mike Call, Leslie Montee, Carl Jowers, Mike Hansen.


Thanks to Dorothy Taylor for providing some of the photos.

Submitted by Carl Jowers

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