Here are some notes from the commission meeting on September 23rd.
- Running Fox oil company wants to know how much it would cost to use the county right of way to run a line. They were told $20 per rod or about $25,000 for four miles. The commissioners felt this could be a good way to bring in some funds.
- The budget from the current sewer project is extremely tight and more money may need to be borrowed to complete it.
- Bourbon county is in the lead for the energy contest by a small amount. Everyone in the room was given a CFL lightbulb to install to help make progress toward winning.
- Drywood township had some grant money available to put in a tornado siren, but couldn’t reach consensus on who would be responsible for operating and maintaining it, so the funds will be returned to the grant.
- Terry Sercer hasn’t completed his report or compiled his data yet.
- The commission doesn’t know how much the audit is costing per hour.