Fort Scott Biz

Kay Wright to Speak at Aglow on July 8

What are some things God is doing in Washington, D.C.?

Fort Scott Aglow Lighthouse welcomes guest speaker, Kay Wright, Thursday, July 8th, 2021.

Kay Wright and other regional Aglow leaders just recently returned from a trip to intercede for our nation in Washington, D.C. She will give highlights of this trip to our Nation’s Capital!


Kay Wright resides in Girard, KS, and has been associated with Aglow International for over 35 years. She has served in many capacities locally as well as statewide.

Currently, Kay is serving as the Kansas State Aglow South Area Board President overseeing the Aglow Lighthouses across the state.


Kay’s goal in life is to please the Son, the Holy Spirit, and her Father God through worship and in intimate communion. Her purpose is also to intercede for her family, state, and her beloved Nation. She is on the board of her growing church and serves as prayer coordinator. She believes worship, Bible study, and being obedient to the Spirit of God are vital for a successful Christian life.


Joan Waters, resident of Pittsburg, KS, who also serves on the Kansas Aglow State Board, will share her insights she received on this D.C. trip as well… a powerful intercessor’s point of view! She will put “the icing on the cake” as she comes to share with us!


Come and worship the King! You shall be blessed.


Guests are welcome to visit our Lighthouse monthly gathering at 6:30 p.m., Thursday July 8th in the conference room of Fort Scott Inn, 101 State Street.


This is an interdenominational ministry opportunity for women, men and youth to worship, pray, fellowship and grow in unity. The goal of Aglow International is: Every nation touched, every heart changed.


Our Lighthouse desires the body of Christ to come together to meet the needs of those that cannot speak for themselves in Bourbon County.  For more information contact Amanda Gilmore at (620) 215-0418.


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