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Kansas Prevention Collaborative-Community Initiative (KPCCI) Substance Abuse Planning Grant

KDADS is announcing another great Prevention opportunity for your Community- 

The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS), Behavioral Health Services Commission, announces the release of a Request for Applications (RFA) for planning grant (Cohort V) that will allow eligible applicants to engage in a comprehensive community-based strategic plan that will result in community driven strategies to reduce underage drinking, youth marijuana use, health disparities, shared risk and protective factors to produce sustainable systems change.

This Kansas Prevention Collaborative-Community Initiative (KPCCI) is intended to reduce underage drinking, youth marijuana use, health disparities, shared risk, and protective factors and produce sustainable systems change. and prevent substance abuse in identified communities and enrich prevention efforts across the state through the implementation and sustainability of evidence-based strategies, and culturally competent prevention strategies. Grantees will be supported by each of the Kansas Prevention Collaborative partners. You can find out more about each of these partners at

Eligible applicants and their fiscal agents must be an existing community coalition or task force for at least the past six months and may include local government agencies, schools, public universities, and colleges, private and/or not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations based in the targeted community.  Community coalitions shall be defined as a multiple sector partnership, mobilized at the local level to make their communities safer, healthier, and drug-free.  Effective community coalitions must possess a stable and effective organizational structure with clearly defined roles, and responsibilities, and may include multiple geographic areas or school district boundaries that are efficiently and effectively able to work together (e.g., a rural, multi-county partnership).

Submit application and questions by close of business (5pm) on May 18, 2022 to: Submit application and questions to: and please cc: &

KPPCI Planning RFA FY23 (docx)
142 KB
KPPCI Planning RFA Attachment B Budget Request (xls)
116 KB


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