Fort Scott Biz

Governor Kelly’s Disaster Declaration Temporarily Lifts Certain Commercial Vehicle Regulations

TOPEKA – As severe winter weather conditions continue impacting Kansas roadways, Governor Kelly announced today that her recent disaster declaration temporarily lifts certain hours of service regulations typically imposed on commercial motor vehicles.

In accordance with 49 C.F.R. 390.23(b), the disaster declaration made on January 8, 2024, temporarily lifts the hours of service regulations found in 49 C.F.R. 395.3-5 for motor carriers or drivers operating commercial motor vehicles so long as the motor carriers or drivers are providing direct assistance during the emergency.

The temporary lifting of the regulations lasts until the emergency ends or 14 days from the date of the disaster declaration, whichever is less.

“Temporarily lifting these regulations ensures necessary supplies and relief from the extreme winter weather can reach communities as quickly as possible,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “I encourage all Kansans to use caution over the coming days, including reconsidering travel, to be safe and warm.”


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