Fort Scott Biz

From Linderhof’s Kitchen . . . Martha Meinsen Scott


This time of year I love seasonal desserts.    The flavors of Christmas. This peppermint cheesecake pie is so simple, must be made ahead and is the flavor of the season!       It’s no bake and goes together quickly. And who doesn’t like something made with cream cheese and cream? It would make a good dessert for any holiday dinner.




22 Oreo cookies
3 T. melted butter
1 T. sugar
16 oz. softened Cream Cheese
16 oz. heavy cream
1 c. sugar
¼ c. powdered sugar
1 t. Peppermint extract
6 drops pink food coloring


Crust Oreos in food processor and add melted butter and sugar.     Press mixture into bottom and partway up sides of springform pan.


Refrigerate at least 30 minutes to firm.


Beat cream cheese and sugar until well mixed.    Set aside.


Whip heavy cream and powdered sugar until stiff peaks form.


Fold and blend cream cheese mixture into whipped cream mixture


Add food coloring and peppermint into filling mixture.


Pour/spread into pan.


Refrigerate at least 4 hours or until firm.


You can garnish with dollops of whipped topping and crushed peppermints if desired.
Martha Meinsen Scott is a Fort Scott foodie who creates from her home, called Linderhof.
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