Fort Scott Biz

Civil War Encampment April 27-28 at FSNHS

Smell, hear and see the Civil War at Fort Scott National Historic Site

Without having to enlist

FORT SCOTT, Kan. – Fort Scott National Historic Site is hosting the Annual Civil War Encampment, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m., April 27 and 28.  Experience artillery, cavalry and infantry troops preparing for battle. Cooking demonstrations will be in the mess hall and the post sutler will be hawking his wares in the sutler store. A Civil War doctor will be promoting period medical practices and reenactors will be discussing surgery of the era, sometimes at the cost of “an arm and a leg.”

“This is our 37th annual encampment,” Superintendent Betty Boyko said. “You feel history come to life through the generous support provided by volunteer members of the Holmes Brigade, 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry, Western Bluecoats Field Hospital, Friends of Fort Scott NHS, Inc., and a host of Fort Scott National Historic Site volunteers.”

Park volunteers and staff will be leading a variety of programs. Saturday: discussions around the importance of the Lunette Blair Block House (adjacent to the park) and stories of Civil War courts martial at Fort Scott. Sunday: period church services and explore the meanings of states’ rights vs federal authority in “Conceived in Liberty.”

Encampment Schedule:




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