Fort Scott Biz

Chamber Coffee at Medicalodge 5/16/2013

Today a vibrant group of Fort Scott businesspeople met at Medicalodge, one of the area’s skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, to enjoy the hospitality of Deborah Madison and the Medicalodge staff.


New members were introduced, and Aaron Nuss of Names and Numbers announced that the company now has a presence in the city to serve customers in the immediate area.

Medicalodge has been observing “Nursing Home Week” with activities all week long. Tomorrow will be “Farm Day,” and  the facility will have a petting zoo available to residents as well as any children in attendance.

Deborah Madison mentioned also that Medicalodges will be holding a benefit drive-through dinner Friday May 17th with the proceeds going to Relay for Life.

Jackie Warren stepped up to speak about her experience at an Extension Office Conference, and brought to attention the great things that are being done by the Chamber of Commerce in Fort Scott and all of the activities that the Chamber of Commerce does, especially in comparison in areas where the same kinds of organizations are not quite as involved in the community.

In news from FSCC,  congratulations are in order for FSCC Baseball Coach John Hill and the FSCC Baseball team as they have had a very successful season, in addition to being in the top 6 with regard to team GPA in the nation.

A few upcoming events with regard to the Bourbon County Fair were also mentioned. Two new events that will be added to the Bourbon County Fair this year. The first event is the “Big Bale” contest in which contestants decorate the provided hay bale. Anyone can participate (church youth groups, 4-H groups, etc), and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. The deadline for registration for this contest is July 1st. Applications are available here at the Bourbon County Fair website.

A second event added this year is a baking contest sponsored by King Arthur Flour, the nation’s oldest flour company established in 179o. For everyone who registers for the contest, King Arthur Flour will provide one (1) bag of flour. There will be cash prizes for contest winners, and the deadline to apply is June 1st. Applications are available here at the Bourbon County Fair website.

Deborah Madison then thanked everyone for attending the Chamber Coffee event and also thanked everyone who had helped work on the Medicalodge building after the storm, as well as the staff at Medicalodge: “Team care–that’s what it really takes to keep this place running.” Madison also mentioned that the job is 24/7–it is not similar to working on a bridge, in which case the project has a definite end point. However, Madison did mention that Medicalodge staff members do their best to “build a bridge” with regard to establishing relationships with their clients.

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