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ARTEFFECT Ambassadors Visual Arts Online Fellowship 2024-2025 Application

The Lowell Milken Center is located at the corner of First and Wall Streets.

ARTEFFECT Ambassadors
Visual Arts Online Fellowship 2024-2025
ARTEFFECT Ambassadors is an online fellowship for educators working directly with students in grades 6-12 to foster the visual arts. Ambassadors explore teaching and learning around the inspiring and diverse stories of Unsung Heroes from history.
The fellowship runs online from October 30, 2024–June 2, 2025. During the school year, Ambassadors attend at least four online modules taught by seasoned art educators and practitioners, accompanied by lesson plans. Sessions are on Wednesdays – Pacific Time. Module 1 and Module 6 are mandatory.

Module 1 – Program Overview: Meet the Unsung Heroes 
OCT 30, 2024, 4:00-6:00 PM PT

Module 2 – Character and Values
NOV 20, 2024, 4:00-5:15 PM PT

Module 3 – Storytelling through Art
DEC 11, 2024, 4:00-5:15 PM PT

Module 4 – Unsung Heroes and STEAM
JAN  22, 2025, 4:00-5:15 PM PT

Module 5 – Artmaking and Social Impact
FEB  26, 2025, 4:00-5:15 PM PT

Module 6 – Impacting Communities: Capstone Project
APR 9, 2025, 4:00-6:00 PM PT

Ambassadors connect with the cohort and colleagues nationwide through online events and networks, meet 1:1 with the Program Director by April 1, 2025, and complete a Capstone Project and Report by June 2, 2025. Capstone Projects are learner-centered, uniquely designed, and developed by each Ambassador. Capstone Projects can take shape as lesson plans, student art exhibitions, publications, community events, and more.

The fellowship provides a Certificate of Completion, a $1,250 stipend upon completion of program requirements, and $250 credit for materials. For more details, review the two-page Program Information SheetApplications are due September 16, 2024.

Learn More and Apply
Capstone Projects
As part of the fellowship, Ambassadors develop capstone projects throughout the school year. These learner-centered projects provide unique opportunities to explore the stories of the Unsung Heroes, expand the impact of lessons, and enrich teaching and learning. Capstone projects can engage students and communities through lesson plans, student art exhibitions, the annual ARTEFFECT student art competition, school-partnerships, publications, community events, and more. 
Kyle Denman Capstone Project
Ambassadors in Action!
Meet our featured Ambassador in Action Kevin Dailey, a U.S. History Teacher at Ballyshannon Middle School in Union, Kentucky.

Each ARTEFFECT Ambassador culminates their online fellowship with a capstone project that brings the inspiring stories of the LMC Unsung Heroes into their classrooms and communities. Here’s an excerpt from Kevin about his capstone project:

“My capstone was a condensed, week-long unit to incorporate ARTEFFECT into a classroom. This unit was designed as an introduction to ‘project-based learning’ and Unsung Heroes. The targeted audience of the initial program was a middle school social studies class, but my lesson plan can be adapted for all grade levels and classrooms.

After the work was completed, students showcased their work in a gallery walk for the middle school. Learning objectives included students being able to describe what it means to be a hero and to identify heroes from history, and understanding the significance of art on communicating feeling, ideals, and history.

The major lesson learned from this abbreviated project is confirmation that all students can do the ARTEFFECT project. On top of that, they can produce some incredible work discovering Unsung Heroes! The students were incredibly engaged in the process. I do believe at this scale (100+ students) and speed (one week), the written component needs to be shortened substantially. Some students struggled to complete both the artwork and the writing. For those that wish to pursue the competition, they can add to that writing as they move through the process.”

Thank you to Kevin for your dedication and exploratory arts-integration unit. Congratulations on the artworks created by the students at Ballyshannon Middle School. Looking forward to the next implementation of your lesson plan!

Stay connected with ARTEFFECT through our expanding social media channels on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Join a growing network of art educators at the

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