Fort Scott Biz

Arcadia Area News

Twenty -four graduates and friends of Arcadia High School Our Gang gathered in Arcadia Community Center on Saturday evening, December 3, for an early winter meeting to enjoy the Potluck dinner and fellowship time. Anyone who attended the Arcadia Schools is welcome to join their friends at these gatherings.

Mary Hines Cattaneo, Mulberry and Charles Corporon, Pittsburg both former Arcadians met by chance at Sunset Manor recently to visit their friends who now reside in the Manor in Frontenac. They are Bill Dobbins, Betty Baima. Marie Rodich from Arcadia and Ray Cattaneo from Mulberry. His family at one time bought the Arcadia Journal and combind it with Mulberry News and re-named it THE NEWS JOURNAL.

Rose Campbell, a one time teacher in Arcadia Schools and Charles had just recently returned from each visiting their own sisters. Rose spent time with Mary Logan in Wichita, while Charles drove on to McPherson to spend time with Portie Hughes.

Special guests from Moran, Kansas, Margaret Jackman, Cheryl Wallis and Nancy Houk attended the Arcadia Christian Church on the first Sunday in December to hear their cousin Bob Cable deliver the Morning sermon. His son, Nate Cable, from Lamar joined the family group and all were guests at the first of the month Sunday dinner. Pastor Charles Cable unable to attend but he and Willa Cable furnished the Chicken Mary Chicken as a treat for their congregation. It was delivered this month by Patty Peterson and enjoyed by the twenty-eight present. It was announced that on Christms Morning, December 25, there will be no Sunday School Classes held and Morning Services will begin at 10:30 AM Christmas Morning.

Saturday Morning, December 3, a celebration was held for a Happy Birthday to honor Jesus. The hostess was Patty Peterson, this, one of many Christmas brunches that Patty has held through the years since she and Gary have lived in Arcadia. Several of the guests served as helpers including Cathy Allen who was the greeter at the door. An important helper was Stuart Semple who baked the cinnamon rolls as Patty was giving the Morning Devotions. The twenty-two guests were Ahris Sprague, Cheyenne Mellon,who assisted in serving tea at the table; Mary V. Shead, Courtney Allen, Carolyn Girard, Carol Bridgewater, Ava Mae Adams, Mary Lee Payne, Vera Parrish,Shirley Garrett, Willa Cable, Ashley & Elizabeth Semple, Linda Bridgewater, Evelyn Bryant, Judy Rawlings, Betty Dehn, Janet Van Leeuwen, Lilly Coonrod, Kelly Reves.

I am pleased to report that Ron Wolf did not have a Heart Attack as I reported and did not go to K.C. Hospital. He was able to call and excuse my error.

The Jack & Mary Lee Payne Family met on Friday after Thanksgiving in the home of Ron and Cindy Morton, Excelsior Springs, Missouri for a delicious dinner of Ham, turkey, trimmings and Desserts. Present were Jeff and Sherry Sisney; David, Amy, Drew and Lane Carpenter; Steve, Kelly Base, Ben, Faith and Elijah Base; James, Nikki, Lainey and Cooper O’Dell; Autuam, Kimberlee, Maddie, Isaiah and Malloree Peppers and Seth Morton. A great time of playing games and much visiting was enjoyed by all.

Enjoy Arcadia City Christmas Lights each evening as they go on at dark. Thanks to City employees who worked to decorate our town. A few years ago we had none until YOUNG MOMS ORGANIZATION furnished them for the city.

Walter Foulk spent three days during Thanksgiving week in St. Charles, MO. with his wife, Mary Foulk and family members including Lora and Scott Pratt, Diana Butler & sons Samuel and Emmett Butler, Sarah Butler and fiance Louie with their son Georgros

Lou and Betty Dehn visited in Versailles, MO. during Thanksgiving with her Mother, Ollie Hill and brother, Donald Hill where they had dinner. Ollie returned to Arcadia with the Dehns to spend a week. The two ladies had tea one afternoon with Mary V. Shead.

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