Fort Scott Biz

Annual Lowell Milken Fellows (Round One) Are In Town

The Lowell Milken Center is located at the corner of First and Wall Streets.

The Lowell Milken Center (LMC) for Unsung Heroes in Fort Scott, Kansas, an international educational non-profit, has awarded its prestigious Fellowships to selected educators who will arrive in Fort Scott on June 16th for a week of collaboration with LMC staff and the other members of the Fellowship.


The LMC Fellowship is a merit-based award for educators of all disciplines who value the importance of teaching respect and understanding through project-based learning. The Center selects exemplary teachers from the United States and around the world who will collaborate on projects that discover, develop, and communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes in history.

The following are the fellows at the Center this week:

Aaron Kruger

Aaron Kruger, a history teacher from Cheyenne, WY, was recognized in 2021 as a Wyoming Milken Educator. History is a popular subject at Cheyenne Central High School, as Aaron empowers his students to succeed and excel by fostering open discussion and critical thinking skills. His students consistently surpass state and global pass rates on the AP History exams.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard says, “Aaron brings history to life for his students through primary source documentation and roleplaying exercises. His leadership skills and expertise in collaborative decision-making will be positive assets to share with our 2024 team of Fellows. We look forward to great Unsung Hero projects from Aaron’s students.”


Erica Quale, an 8th-grade social studies teacher from Bismarck, ND, received the 2021 Milken Educator Award for North Dakota. She works to make U.S. history relevant to her students’ lives through project-based learning, using historical resources and knowledge to establish those connections. From student-led history lessons shared with elementary students to interactive classroom discussions on civic responsibilities, her students become involved and engaged learners. Their high scores on North Dakota’s Eighth Grade Civics exam validate the positive learning experiences in her classroom.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard says, “Erica’s use of project-based learning makes history relevant for her students. Her students become so knowledgeable about their projects they can then share the content with elementary students. Erica’s use of such unique learning experiences makes her a valuable asset to our 2024 team of Fellows.”

John Rosenbaum

John Rosenbaum, a middle school social studies teacher from Central Falls, RI, was honored as the 2021 Rhode Island Milken Educator. Through many hands-on learning experiences, John has made history come alive for his students. His relatable approach to learning has met with great success, as eighth-graders from his school outperform state averages in literacy and enter high school well-prepared for higher-level work.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard says, “As an outstanding and innovative middle school teacher, John collaborates with colleagues to design hands-on learning experiences that impart knowledge and create memories for his students. His strong background in project-based learning and social studies will be an important motivator for project development within our 2024 team of Fellows.”

Michael Sandstrom

Michael Sandstrom, a high school civics and history teacher in Chadron, NE, was honored as the 2019 Gilder Lehrman Nebraska History Teacher of the Year, just one of the many prestigious awards he has received. His strong belief in the importance of civic competence and historical knowledge has guided his teaching style, leading to many positive outcomes for his students. Using local historical resources, students can connect their past to the national issues facing them today.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard says, “Michael has a strong belief in the power of history to make the past relevant for his students and to provide a connection to their future. His adept use of primary and secondary sources will provide a valuable resource for the team of 2024 Fellows.”

Kelly Sheridan

Kelly Sheridan, a 2023 Idaho Milken Educator, is the Assistant Principal and Dean of Students at Idaho Falls’ Compass Academy, a project-based 9-12 magnet school. As the school’s former art teacher, Kelly has positively impacted the campus climate by incorporating art into the core curriculum and serving as an instructional leader. Having both classroom and leadership experience has made Kelly a valuable role model for students and teachers.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard says, “Kelly has had a profound effect on her school climate, developing trusted relationships and implementing professional development focused on research-based instructional strategies. Her collaborative efforts and expertise with project-based learning will be a perfect fit for the mission of the Center and its work with the 2024 Fellows.”


While in Fort Scott, LMC Fellows gain knowledge, educational resources, and support in helping students cultivate a passion for learning by creating projects that initiate positive change. Fellows will be equipped to develop Unsung Heroes projects with their students, applying and evaluating the stories of these role models who have changed the world throughout history.








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