Our nation and our state are at a crossroads for the future of our
Constitutional Republic. Every day our liberties and safety are being
threatened by the ideas and actions of the leftists.
I have been faithfully constant in standing and defending our God-given freedoms. I am not a politician but a man who believes in God, Family and Country. I am the only candidate in this race who is 100% pro-life and honestly believe in upholding the oath of office, defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the state of Kansas.
I’m the only one who will defend our 2nd Amendment rights. I wholeheartedly believe we must fully fund and support our police departments for our communities’ safety and protection.
I am the only person in this race who is not for bigger, more expensive government programs and promises. I’m the only one in
this race who believes that quality education, not costly education, should be a choice. I am also the only one who has the proven record on voting “no” against higher taxes. I am the only one in this race who truly believes in standing for Biblical traditional values that have made this nation and state so great.
I have the endorsements of Kansans for Life, Family Policy Alliance of Kansas, an “A” rating with the NRA and the endorsement of the Kansas State Rifle Association. Kansas Livestock Association, Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Agribusiness Council, Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association, Kansas Cooperative Council, Americans for Prosperity, Kansas Association of Realtors, Kansas Automobile Dealers Association, Kansas Chamber, National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB).
As the proven Constitutional Conservative; I am for limited government, limited taxes, and for holding the government accountable to “We the People”. We must stand together to retain our liberties and our rights to self govern without the intrusion and overreach of the government.
“Let’s stand together for what is right.”
Trevor Jacobs
District 4
Kansas State Representative
Paid for by Trevor Jacobs for Kansas House April Jacobs Treasurer